Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Brainststorm pool for Issue 2

Ideas for features (or news blurbs, but they can all easily work as features)

Please add to list (we should put abandoned ideas from last issue on the list too) and put (TAKEN - ) next to article idea if/ when someone snaps up topic:

- Kenya
- Slovenian economy and implications of EU presidency
- China - price controls? ( + little box on HK's predicament?)
- An article on a LAtin American country


Current affairs (can be features, can be blurbs):

- an in-depth analysis of the still on-going writers' strike in the US
- cost benefit analysis of hosting sporting events (eg. Olympics, World Cup)

- Nuclear power plants in the UK
- Kevin Rudd, Australia and Kyoto; implications?


- UK politicians profiles

-US presidential elections:

  1. candidates' economic policies?
  2. what is/ can there be an "efficient" election?
  3. political betting/prediction markets
- Between a rock and a hard place: Northern Rock's predicament
- Constant vigiliance!: How to read Fed and BoE interest rate decision press releases

- death of DRM-ed music
- end of format contest: and the winner is Blu-ray
- world's cheapest car and what it means for India
- France's internet tax
- how do people outside the discipline view economists?
- students' opinions on Econ courses

Dear Economist:
- should I just wait until the after-Xmas sales to do my Xmas shopping? :P
- interviews
- CV tips

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